Monday, May 31, 2010

New Boundaries.

I have reached a new boundary in my life. I have never been to so many culturally packed and awe-inspiring places in my entire life. Sensation last Saturday blew my mind. There were over 18,000 people raving all together from 8pm to 6am. I met so many random foreigners and beautiful women. These people were a different breed of human. After partying till six in the morning people went to the after party till 10 am. Everyone was dressed in white and raving to the beats of the five different dj's that played through out the night. The laser light show was amazing and the people danced like crazy. I was in the bottom pit most of the time while there were many people dancing above me in the stadium seating. I met the main mc for the concert and got to dance with some of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen in my entire life.

I am finally starting to feel the effects of sleep deprivation and I need to past out for about twelve hours tonight for sure to be in full form tomorrow as we go to our last cultural event to the communist museum and to our last company we need to visit. I have stretched my self to the limit and have tried to go all out as much as possible while here to get everything possible out of this trip from the culture, to the businesses we visit and to the fun night life. I have made wonderful friends here that I will share all my memories with for my first time in Europe. This whole trip is sadly finally winding down but I still have a lot planned ahead of me for this summer and I can not wait.

The Sunday after Sensation we went to the Prague castle, the old Cathedral and the Prague Museum. I am trying to post pictures of everything but the internet is incredibly slow here. The history is so vast and rich here it is hard to fathom. The royal family of Prague had original works of Beethoven and Mozart hand writing along with many famous pieces of art work on display in the museum to keep their rich heritage in tact. I snuck in a lot of pictures of this as well because we weren't supposed to take any.

Today we went to Krusovice and Skoda which are a beer company and car manufacturing company respectively. I took notes on them which I will post after this. We stopped for lunch in between these visits and I had beef Goulash with Dumplings which is their traditional meal here in Prague. After we got back from our visits a group of us went out to an asian restaurant and then came back to the hotel. Many people are going out tonight but I definitely need my rest tonight and need to prepare for the last day of our scheduled study abroad. I am deeply mournful that I can not live in the fantasy European fun world forever but I actually do miss Atlanta and Athens GA my two homes. Europe is great but there is nothing like home.

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