Thursday, May 27, 2010


After our time with the entrepreneur yesterday we made our way over to Auschwitz. I have heard so much about Auschwitz and I've always believed that it has been something I needed to see so naturally I was very excited to go. We took a charter bus over and it took about an hour and a half to get there. We pulled into Auschwitz I where the main center of the concentration camp was first started amongst Auschwitz II Birkenau and Auschwitz III. Birkenau known as Auschwitz II was an extension of the first Auschwitz where most of the brutal acts were carried out. On Facebook I posted pictures of ruins in Auschwitz II where the main gas chambers were laid out. There were two main gas chambers that could hold 2,000 people each at a time. When the trian came through Auschwitz II people thought that they were being relocated outside of Europe aways from the Nazi regime not to be exterminated but to be kicked out. 75% of the people who were taken to the camp were exterminated immediately upon arrival. Most people did not resist going into the gas chambers because they thought they were going into showers to be cleaned up to live in their new destination. Once everyone was stripped naked and shoved into the chamber they were to Cyclon B and dead within 10-15 minutes. After death they would be cremated for 2-3 days out in the open fields that created a stench that could be smelled all through out Poland. About 1.5 million would murdered at Auschwitz mainly the Jews. Originally Auschwitz I was created to eradicate all of the Polish Political leaders at the time but Hilter liked the camp so much that they expanded it to Birkenau for the Jewish people. It was frightening to say the least that I was walking on grounds where all these terrible acts happened and walked through the areas where so much suffering had occurred. I took pictures from the entrance to the doors where the gas chambers used to be before the Nazis tried to destroy the evidence of the gas chambers before the soviets came in. This was evidence enough how shameful they knew theses acts to be after they had know they had lost the war. At one time the camp had 20,000 people enslaved to labor to work the infrastructure in the areas that Germany had wanted. In total only about 140 escaped the camp and these were mostly from people who were outside the camp working on infrastructure. People typically did not last more than six months working for these camps working 11 hours of day with poor nutrition and living standards. We walked to a wall by the main administration building where they had a shooting wall where they would originally line up and shoot the Polish people who were convicted of politically uprising against the Nazi regime. More than 2,000 people were lined up and shot to be made an example of for the workers in the camp. They had two layers of electrical fencing that were barb wired with a third twenty foot concrete wall that would be impossible to climb outside the fence. They had one remaining gas chamber that we went to and I took pictures of. We couldn't take any pictures of anything inside of the buildings but I managed to sneak some pictures in. They used the remaining hair from women that they killed and sold it off to make wool for neighboring countries. My heart goes out to all those who suffered and were lost. It is important to know this history because that history which is not know will surely be repeated again.

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