Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Krakow on Saturday.

So when we got into Krakow Poland at the Monopol Hotel we all get up packed and settled in before we were set out to go venture through the city. The night we went out was the night of the Champions League Final so we thought it would be appropriate to go out and watch the "Super Bowl" of Europe with all the locals in a pub. On the way to the main city square we ran into a bunch of drunk locals being belligerent in the street doing obscene things that would surely get you arrested in the U.S. I have to admit I was a little sketched out because this was my first time ever in this city and I wasn't sure if this is how everyone acted or this was just an anomaly. While walking through the city scape I ran into a Kabob stop and had to try one. Apparently they have these in Athens and the U.S. but they were completely foreign to me. They are originally Middle Eastern but they are extremely popular in Poland and the rest of Europe. After sufficiently scarfing one of these down and trying some of their local ice cream we ventured into some of the bars where we could watch the football game. We finally found a pub and we had to walk down stairs into a basement to find it. Apparently most of their bars and pubs are all in the basement floors of the surrounding buildings to save space. It was an amazing little tavern packed with people all smoking and intently watch BEYERM v.s. INTERNATIONAL. Interesting enough all of the locals were going for the German team rather than the Italians. I think the Italians were the favorite but Poland has since gotten past their difference of the past with Germany. I ordered a Zywiec Beer which was fantastic and I believe a local Polish beer. After hanging out with the locals and chatting with them a bit the game finished with INTERNATIONAL winning the game. After we left this pub with found a hip hip hop bar to go to where I met many women of all ages 30-19 from all over Europe who loved to dance. I had a great time with Anna, Nina, Natalie, and Bianca. Those are the only names I could remember. The were from Germany, the U.K. and Poland. There were a few other girls that were fun to dance with but there names were so different that I couldn't remember. From there we went to two other really awesome clubs after wandering off with some U.K. people that we met. As the night progressed we went to a techno club and another hip hop club. It is funny that they have a lot of the same music if not all of the same hip hop music that we have and the locals try to sing along but many of them don't know the language. So in trying to sing they sound a lot like me by making up random words that they don't know the lyrics to or don't understand. Really awesome that I can have something in common with them and that we can share something so unique. After a late night I went to bed and got ready for our tour of the city of Poland on the Day of the Holy Ghost which is a Catholic Holiday very popular in Poland as the majority of the country is Catholic.It was a good Saturday and way to start my journey in this beautiful city.

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