Sunday, May 9, 2010

My First Blog 05.10.10

Alright everyone this is my first blog for the beginning of my adventures to Eastern Europe with the UGA Terry College of Business. I just got back into Athens tonight and I have class at 9 am! For the first week I will be in Athens taking classes with Dr. Hamilton and Holly Alderman the program coordinator. I have never done a blog before but I hope this is interesting and I keep everyone entertained! This week I will basically be going over some of the basics of what I am learning and also just try to get into the habit of blogging. Supposedly we have to keep a journal for this course so I will see how this will coordinate with my blogging. Also it is not recommended that we bring a lap top on the trip but I will talk to the professors all about this tomorrow morning bright and early. One more thing I am concerned about is getting a sim card for my cell phone and a power cord adapter for my lap top.

I am so extremely excited about going on this trip and I absolutely can't wait. I am so fortunate and blessed to have the opportunity to go on a trip like this. I thank my parents for encouraging me to take a leap of faith and go to Europe by sending me out. I can't wait for the cultural experience and look forward to learning as much as I can.

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