Saturday, May 29, 2010

Fair well Krakow and hello Prague.

So the night after Auschwitz was pretty sobering and no one went out this night. I stayed in and got some extra sleep for the day ahead of me. We had our debrief session and last speaker on our last day and then had the rest of the day to our selves. On my last day I finished up some blogging and then went out through out the town. I went back to the south side of Krakow to the Jewish district to get one last view of the city and make sure I could ingrain memories in my mind about what we had been through. I tried some Gelato and then went to the main city square to have a slice of Polish Pizza which was fantastic. I ate my pizza out side in the main market where I could just observe the small city and see what people were up to. While I was out there. While I was sitting out side the pizza place there was a beautiful women by the name of Anna who sat right beside me and I asked her about some of the best clubs for the night life in Krakow. She told me Cien and Frantic were the best so I made sure that I would make my best effort to make it out to those places that night. I asked her if she was going to go to those clubs tonight but she said that she was going to visit her boy friend in Warsaw the next day so she wasn't going out. Dang it!

We had our final group dinner as a three course meal which consisted of green pea soup, salad, chicken in a special orange sauce, all with a house red wine. Believe it or not we had apple pie for dessert?? I don't know why we keep having apple pie. When we were heading back to the hotel we remembered that some of the locals were raving about honey wine so we made sure that we picked some up. It was definitely different but delicious none the less. When we went out we ended up going to Frantic after a long debate about where to go but I had a blast! Every woman in the club was either a 9 or a 10 and I made good friends with two Polish models whom I had the privilege to dance with! They had three different bars in the club and one large dance floor which I made sure to take full advantage of! We all partied and danced till the sun came up and passed out on the bus most of the whole next day while we had our nine hour bus trip to Prague. On the way to Prague we stopped at this lunch place where we ate beef covered in some sauce with a sponge bread that they described as dumplings. It was very tasty but many people were turned off to it because it looked like Nickelodean ooze sauce was poured all over the beef.

When we finally got to the Hotel in Prague last night after our long bus ride we went through the main market square and got some cash for the week. Their currency is called Coruna and the ratio to the dollar is 21 to 1 which works in favor for us because everything is so cheap here! We went to the largest Irish pub in the city of Prague and then many people went to the beer factory because they didn't want to go out but I decided to go to the Karlovy Lazne the largest club in all of central and eastern Europe. I went by my self because everyone was too tired to go out and I have wanted to go to this place for a long time. At first I was a little cautious about going by myself because I didn't know the city but I spoke with some natives and they assured me that I wouldn't have any trouble. When I finally got to the club I was amazed at the long line of people waiting to go in. The wait was about 15 minutes but they had to check everyone before walking in to make sure for security. As soon as I walked in music was blasting and lights were shinning everywhere. On every floor they had professional dancers in the main floor of the club and everyone of the five levels was a different theme. The levels were themed as follows: 1. Radio hits, 2, Oldies, 3. Dance music, 4, Black music, 5, Clill music. My two favorite floors were the techno dance music and the black music. I took many pictures of each floor so you should be sure to check them out. There were once again many beautiful women who I spoke with and danced with from all over the world. There were women from Holland, Sweeden, Canada, Poland, France and the Czech Republic that I met. This club was Frantic times ten. On the way back from the club I got a Kilbasa hot dog that are very popular in Prague and was extremely delicious. I made sure that I got to bed to prepare for our tour the next day.

During the tour we went all over the entire city of Prague and saw all the main historical sites. I was blown away by the architecture and the entire make up of the city. During WWII this city was fortunate enough not to have been bombed and the city was still intact from hundreds of years of work. Some of the sites that we saw were the old town square, Charles Bridge, the Astronomical clock, New town, the National museum, and a concert hall were Mozart had preformed in the past and where the movie Amadeus was filmed. This is by far the most beautiful city that I have seen in Europe thus far. Prague seems like the perfect mix between Krakow and Budapest in the way that it has the size of Budapest but the class of Krakow. For lunch I ate Venicine with forest fruits and potatoes and was taken to another place. The food here is so delicious that I feel like I am going to be spoiled by the time I come back home and return to American food. I picked up some white pants because tonight I am going to Sensation White which is one of the biggest touring Trance concerts in all of Europe and the world. The dress code is all white so I will be sure to have some super fly pictures for tonight for all to see! Tonight we are going to another nice three course group dinner right before my life becomes complete after going to one of the best concerts of my entire life. Life is so good right now and I am so blessed to have the opportunity to experience so much! I am just taking it all in right now.

1 comment:

  1. Is this the international study of music, nightclubs and libations by night and old guy business stuff by day? See you soon!

    P.S. Write or use the journal your sister gave you - she will cherish it for life.

    Love Daddy
