Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Oxford Orientation

Yesterday after getting settled into the UGA House at Oxford right outside the main square we had orientation at the house including the rules of the house. I have come to learn that Oxford has many rules and regulations that need to be strictly followed and promptness is a key virtue. The English also seem to be terrified of fire so they have the strictest fire codes. We then went into the city and had a tour of the entire city. We got to see all of the different colleges within Oxford and I was completely baffled by the reputation and some of the great minds to have studied here. Basically everyone that has ever been important in England has studied at Oxford. Some of the great people of our time that I have the privilege to study with under the same University are Albert Einstein, Lawrence of Arabia, Stephen Hawking, George Whitefield ( Whom my high school is named after), John Wesley, Adam Smith, Oscar Wilde, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Aldous Huxley, Graham Greene, John Locke, basically all the prime ministers of England, and Bill Clinton. This is probably the most academic study abroad I could have chosen but I am willing to put in the work. Last night after the tour we had our formal orientation dinner with drinks on the lawn after meeting our professors. We then had Duck with Creme Broule for dinner and went to the pubs after to celebrate. This morning I had my first class with my professor Richard Martin over the sub-prime mortgage crisis. After this I got a tour of the trinity library and got a lot of work done already for my environmental Economics course. I am meeting tons of people and trying to balance school and traveling. I am about to go out now and get rent a bike for the next six weeks so I can travel around Oxford like never before.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I am so thrilled you have the priviledge to study there...I am so proud of you Max!!
